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Friday, November 21, 2014

Order pizza from your Xbox One

Domino's release an app for the Xbox One, so you can order pizza while gaming

Yesterday, Domino’s quietly released a new app for Microsoft's Xbox One console. First announced back in October as a partnership between Microsoft and Domino’s, the app promises easy delivery and order customisation, all using a controller - or Xbox One's Kinect system.
Now available in the UK, the 32Mb app can be found in the Xbox One’s Marketplace, and allows gamers to specify their pizza order without picking up the phone. If using a controller is too much effort, it’s possible to use Kinect, Microsoft's speech recognition software, to order your toppings and sides of choice.

The Domino’s app is also compatible with the Xbox One’s Snap feature. Allowing a margin of the screen to be taken up by an app, Snap makes it easy to multi-task. This means you can discretely track your Domino's order in real time - all without interrupting your gaming or TV session.
As reported by, the inclusion of a Domino's app for Xbox One represents a dramatic change in taste from Microsoft’s last gen console: the Xbox 360 had a similar app for Pizza Hut.
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